This is a rough transcript of LA Podcast Episode 144, “Pelosing My Religion.” We put this together with a crazy, basically unheard-of mix of computers and human beings trying to work in harmony to create a well-edited finished product. Notwithstanding that, I can’t promise you won’t occasionally find the mayor referred to as “A Red Car Setting,” which is almost poetic if you think about it. And, then, if you think about it some more, it’s really not.
Scott Frazier: It’s Monday, October 19th. This is Los Angeles podcast episode 144!
Hayes Davenport: Come on.
Scott Frazier: Pelosing my religion.
Hayes Davenport: How- What did you say?
Scott Frazier: Pe-losing my religion. Pelosing.
Hayes Davenport: This is why we don’t say the titles.
Alissa Walker: Never meant to be said.
Scott Frazier: Pelosing my religion. I’m sticking with that.
Hayes Davenport: And I actually like Pelosi-ng my religion better as a,
Scott Frazier: Well, now we’ve got them both in and listeners can pick which they want in a sort of choose their own adventure.
Alissa Walker: They should never be said […]
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